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Unit  3 - Pastiche

A Sunday on the Internet
119cm x 80cm
November 2015

A Sunday on the Internet is based on George Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.  This piece is a modern version of his pointilism painting, illustrating that people in the 21st century don’t physically interact as they are all on the internet, playing on their devices.  They are consumed by whatever media site they are using which is suggested through the social media icons covering people’s faces.  The painting was painted in little squares as a nod towards the pixels in a photograph rather than dots.

This piece really took a lot of time and effort to complete.  On the foam board, I had gridded out the entire board to 1cm by 1cm squares using pencil, then I added a layer of white acrylic paint in order soften the darkness of the lead so that when I paint on top of the foam board, the pencil lines would not be as apparent.  I began with painting the grass in the background.  It took me a while to get the hang of the strokes I had to use.  Each grid that I marked would hold nine smaller squares which I painted free hand with a small brush, which still made the lines of the grid visible.  I had originally begun with painting the piece grid by grid, however I soon discovered that it was faster if I painted with one colour, then go back to the area again with a different colour as it would eliminate the time it took for me to wash and dry my brush each time I switched colours as I only had one brush.  After I finished the background, I filled in the people, then finally the app icons.  The colours I chose to use had to align with the original painting as well as the app icons so I had a mix of warm and cool tones which balanced the piece.  For most of the piece, I opted to not mix any of my colours to keep in the nature of pointilism, however, for the tablets, phones and laptops, as well as a few of the social media icons, I did actually mix my colours for the piece to flow better, as well as to show that they are made by people and not a part of nature.  

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